Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Blog-less on Day 5

For those who have been waiting for blogs on this Camino, sorry to disappoint you so far. I probably have some things to say, but I do not have the energy to say them. Last time it was Lorraine who was walking in pain, and I thought I was immune. On day two I found out that was not so. Developed severe pains in my left shin that made it difficult to do down Hills. There are "significant" down hill sections at the end of day 1 (into Ronscevalles), day 2 (into Zubiri) and day 4 (into Uterga).  By significatant I mean steep, rough, rolling rocks the size of your fist.  The pain was so severe that even the less significant hills were hard.

Thankfully today, day 5, the pain seems to have disappeared and at the end of the walk this afternoon we both had energy left

So the best thing to do if you want to follow a bit more closely is to head over to and look through the pics and some attempts at poetry.

Blog-less on Day 5

For those who have been waiting for blogs on this Camino, sorry to disappoint you so far. I probably have some things to say, but I do not h...