Friday, August 25, 2017

Second Camino - Projected Schedule

In less than two weeks Lorraine and I will be on our second Camino.  Technically, it is the continuation of the first one (2014) since at that time we ade the observation that "Life is a Camino".  in that sense, as long as you are alive, you are on Camino.  But for ease of referencing, we will call this "Our Second Camino" or Camino 2017.

 For those of you who like details, the schedule looks like this:
  • Wednesday, Sept. 6 
    • Fly (overnight) from Montreal to Paris
  • Thursday, Sept. 7
    • Train (or plane) from Paris to Bayonne, France
    • Since we're pilgrims, we don't need to decide that until we arrive at Charles de Gaulle
    • Overnight at Hotel Cote Basque, Bayonne (which advertises itself as being 379 paces from the train station
  • Friday, Sept. 8 
    • Enjoy a short (approx. 1 hour) train or bus ride from Bayonne to Saint Jean Pied De Port, which is the village at the foot of the Pyrenees where the Route Frances begins.
    • Visit the Pilgrim Office for our Pilgrim Passports
    • Find our hotel for the night (Auberge de Pelerin)
    • Enjoy the sights and sounds of the SJPDP
    • Early to bed
  •  Saturday, Sept. 9
    • Early rise and breakfast
    • Start walking at 6:30 AM
    • 28 km over the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles, Spain
      • This time we booked a bed, since rumour has it that the number of beds in this small village has been drastically reduced since 2014
  • Sunday, Sept 10 - Sometime in October
    • Walk
    • Walk
    • Walk
    • etc. - until we arrive in Santiago de Compostela, nearly 800 km from SJPDP
  • Sometime in October to sometime in November
    • Undetermined activity, but most likely includes:
      • walking from Santiago to Muxia, and then Finisterre and back to Santiago
      • A bus tour to Porto, Portugal
  • November 13, 14 - Make our way back to Charles de Gaulle
  • November 15  - Fly from Charles de Gaulle to Montreal
  • November 16 - Home to Winchester

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